I LOVED spending time with three different grade 2 classes this week and learning all about where clay comes from and how artists use it to make sculptures! The grade 2s were full of questions and even taught me a few things about soil. Through play, exploration, and development of real artistic skills and techniques, the grade 2s made beautiful and unique pinch pots to give to their mom's for mother's day this weekend. Each one is so special and different from the others - I can't wait to see them once they have their coloured glazes added and they've all been fired!
Today was an awesome day, as I was able to join the grade ten MYP art class at Mulgrave School on their school field trip to the Vancouver Art Gallery. Mashup is the VAG's largest exhibition ever, with thirty contributing curators and artwork spanning more than a hundred years. The students had a great time exploring the first and fourth floors of the exhibit, representing the digital age, and early 20th century respectively. The visit fit perfectly in with our class discussions on remix art and ownership rights, and provided ample inspiration for the student's upcoming collage painting project. I can't wait to see what they come up with!
Just a quick share today of some awesome example of imaginative drawings based on the photography of Ansel Adams. I love finding ways to combine different art medias, and my photography students were really receptive to working with photographs in a new way! Here's the feed for our class instagram challenge. Students are required to post to our hashtag once a day something that makes them happy. Each day must be something unique, and this will help students start to move outside their go-to photographs and start experimenting with new subject matters and compositions. At the end of the project, all students will contribute their favourite photo to be included in a photobook that will be printed for each student to have a copy of.
February 2020
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